Time to explore nature...

Searching for emotions and green Tours, 
do not miss our excursions to discover Cherating Mangrove…

Ever wondered how mangrove species genetically adapt to their environments, their limitations and threats, and why this knowledge is extremely important to be understood in our effort to better conserve mangroves and their futures ?

For more info, click here


Turle Night Tour (not available)

Cherating and its surrounding is one of the few sites in Malaysia where the public is allowed to watch the nesting turtles under the supervision of rangers. This activity offered to our guest is also to educate the new generation on how to protect the endanger species such as the Leatherback turtles..
The turtles are returning yearly to this east-coast beaches and we offer to you join and watch the giant leatherbacks coming to lay their eggs.. this fabulous natural show will make you feel how nature is unique..
mail : cheratingfirefly@gmail.com

Turtle Season is officialy over....

It has been meeting you... hope to see you next year !
#turtlerelease #savetheturtle #nevergiveup #ecotourism #malaysia #eastcost #turtlehatchery #doitwithyourheart #cherating

Selamat Hari Raya

Please note that our Activities (Fireflies and Mangrove Tour will not be available this saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June.

ATV / Quad Bike Ride will be opened on 24 but closed on 25th June.

Firefly and Mangrove Tour will be open on 26.

Thank You

Selamat Hari Raya 

Turtle Watching not available... do not miss this great experience !

Our lovely friends are coming back to lay their eggs ...
Come and join us for watching this fabulous nature process...
Contact us on whatsapp :
+013 215 27 08


Looking for some fun during your stay in Cherating ?
Come and experience our new Tour : ATV adventure ! 

Activity is covered by Insurance.

ATV 150 CC + Safety Equipement + Guide = LET'S DO IT

A thrilling adventure for groups, couples and solo visitors. 
No experience necessary - tours available for all ability levels
Great Time to explore treasures of Cherating Mangrove...

Do not miss to join our tours when you visit Cherating.